Category: Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV Online GO Inspired By Pokemon GO

Of course, the team behind Final Fantasy can not resist taking an April Fool Out. And normally, I save myself posting the numerous fake news here every year, but if a studio is so anxious for an April Fool’s joke, I like to go with it. If you need gils in game recently, you will want to join in our activity to get the 5% off code and buy cheapest Final Fantasy XIV Gil on FFXIV4GIL.Learn More

Final Fantasy XIV – Update 4.25 Unveils The Forbidden Land of Eureka

Square Enix has released the 4.25 update for their MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV, which unveils the forbidden land of Eureka and introduces new combat elements. The mysterious new region is unexplored and wild, while the forces of nature are in constant flux. As a player, you’ll have to face and master new challenging combat elements to gain powerful new weapons. The content update also features the latest chapter in the adventure of master criminologist HildibrandLearn More

Final Fantasy XIV Has New Experience With New Mod

Final Fantasy XIV with red lights, thanks to an amateur mod. Phoenix Mods has released a new mod that will surely “excite” the curiosity of many fans of Final Fantasy XIV. It is a pack of high resolution 4K textures that modifies all female characters… making them completely naked. All those interested in downloading this mod can find it on NexusMod at this address, under the name “4K Enhanced”. Needless to say, for obvious reasons,Learn More

Thousands Of Final Fantasy XIV Gamers Has Been Trusting FFXIV4Gil

There are plenty of things that you can do when it comes to how to get Final Fantasy XIV Gil fast. These options will provide you with many ways to get the FFXIV Power Leveling, Final Fantasy XIV Gil and FFXIV Power Leveling are really become more powerful. On FFXIV4Gil, you can enjoy low price, quick delivery, years’ experience, huge Final Fantasy XIV Gil buy in stock, the best quality service. You will feel soLearn More

FFXIV Stormblood: High Graphics Quality And Top Level Technology

Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood received a series of acclaimed appreciation when it had released. Stormblood achieved record highs subscribers after the release of the expansion. Naoki Yoshida discussed about its success for this expansion, he said: “on top of the reception being very positive, we also see returning players bringing in new players. ” How do you feel about the results of the release? You can head over to FFXIV4GIL and view more comment, tipsLearn More

Final Fantasy XIV: How To Obtain More Virtual Housing

For a great deal of Final Fantasy XIV players, housing is an important part of the game. They felt entitled to own all that property. Hence, housing issues has become an arguing topic. They want a house of their own, and have free access to any content they like, including housing. However, they doesn’t want to accept that lots of other people want it badly enough to work harder for it than they did. WhenLearn More

FFXIV Come To Orlando Escape From Trials Of Bahamut Game

For Final Fantasy XIV fans, seemingly, they are always busying with collect various information about FFXIV, however, this is likely to be a big news for them, On September, they can be allowed to participate in a group-based event. It is noteworthy that cheap Final Fantasy XIV Gil and FFXIV Power Leveling for sale. In this year’s September, Final Fantasy XIV escape Trials of Bahamut game coming to Orlando. The story of Trials of BahamutLearn More

New Album to Honer Classic Final Fantasy X

As all fans know Final Fantasy X is an iconic game in ‘FF’ series. The game describes the city is destroyed by monsters, Dida (Tidus) is one of the survivors, but unexplained how to beyond time and space to 1000 years later, and then come across the girl ‘Yuna’. The game’s score took players through a variety of environments and emotional cues. The love and legendary story was began. There’s no doubt that the soundtrack( Composed by Nobuo Uematsu,Learn More

Job Guide: Run The Tide Of Battle In Final Fantasy XIV

For Final Fantasy XIV’s job guide, you will be able to get new ideas after view this article. Players need to master a variety of actions, and run the tide of battle. In Final Fantasy XIV, it has an incredibly engrossing story, engaging combat, and is arguably one of the prettiest MMOs around. Players take pride in buying cheap Final Fantasy XIV Gil and FFXIV Power Leveling. Today, Let’s summary Final Fantasy XIV job guideLearn More

You Get Weapon-summoning Powers In Final Fantasy XIV

You get weapon-summoning powers, enjoying the world of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV. Now, many gamers still play old content just to get random gear from it to match new glamours, which is an interesting trend. In Final Fantasy XIV, there you can transmog any previous piece of gear you own, not just items that you currently hold right now in some capacity. With the release of Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood, there are great outfits andLearn More

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