Final Fantasy XIV: How To Obtain More Virtual Housing
For a great deal of Final Fantasy XIV players, housing is an important part of the game. They felt entitled to own all that property. Hence, housing issues has become an arguing topic. They want a house of their own, and have free access to any content they like, including housing. However, they doesn’t want to accept that lots of other people want it badly enough to work harder for it than they did.
When producer Naoki Yoshida introduced housing to FFXIV in 2011, he emphasized fair land distribution. But in the intervening years, housing has become a contentious topic in the game as speculators and thick-pocketed players monopolized property on big servers. About 2,500 houses are available for each of FFXIV’s servers, which on average host over twice that amount of players.
For Final Fantasy XIV’s housing issues, players are now questioning whether virtual housing is an equal right or a privilege meant for the rich and over-dedicated. Players hotly debate whether their elitism—or desire for mass amounts of property—has any place in a game where everybody pays the same fee.
As a matter of fact, houses aren’t a necessity in Final Fantasy XIV, most importantly, decorate. Fur rugs, wall-to-wall bookshelves, portraits and hot tubs garnish the homes of more thick-pocketed players who choose to sink their resources in home decorate.
Players can also paste ornate wallpaper to their walls, fill rooms with carved wood chests and candles and decorate with garlands and gold trimming. But, they need to spend Final Fantasy XIV Gil on decorating their house.
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