Month: November 2016

Related Albion Online Survey: Results Of The Final Beta Survey

We sent out a survey, which is targeted at some user who has experienced the Final Beta so far. There are the results. According to the survey, the clearly and directly aim was to gather your feedback with respect to the currenct state of the game, nevertheless, at the same time, including forthcoming features. As a Albion Online players, be reminded that cheap albion online gold for sale. You have massively responded! Over 7,000 ofLearn More

NBA 2K17 Problems Such As PlayStation 4 And Dribbling Animation Issues

Patch 1.06 just was launched, it appears to be one of the biggest update for NBA 2K17 on the PlayStation 4, thanks to the 7.4 Gb patch, it have been successfully dealed with many problems with game on the upgraded Sony console. MORE BUG FIXES Not just for the PlayStation 4 Pro, but also for Xbox One, a myriad of other in-game fixes are also included in the update, as referenced from NBA 2K’s officialLearn More

Both NBA 2K17 And Fitbit Reach Cooperation

As a the developer of NBA 2K17, Visual Concepts has partnership with an unlikely partner, it’s called Fitbit. According to the fitness tracker producer, Today, they announced their partnership, on November 25th, fanatic players will can see the results. Why so many players are dedicated to buy NBA 2K17 MT PC. The promotion’s a pretty simple one with a lot of potential: take ten thousand steps in a day, and your MyPlayer (a custom player)Learn More

Prosperous MyTeam: NBA 2K17 Players Are Getting Banned

When it comes to NBA 2K17, it has a prosperous MyTeam community, moreover, some recognizable players are get prevented. Even if focus on loom card, wagers, sniping as well as MT purchases, now that 2K is seeking for a way to keep its fans happy. Are you now looking for cheap NBA 2K17 MT PS4? Issues first began when MyTeam leaders like @LosPollosTV started tweeting about being banned from the game mode for one week.Learn More

NBA 2K17 Complete Tips On How To Unlock Badges

As the hottest basketball video game, NBA 2K17 – the latest basketball video game released by 2K Sports, is available months ago. Since the most recent NBA 2K game launched, players have been very busy not only with winning games but with also getting all the badges. Completing badges in “NBA 2K17” equals to unlocking every aspect of the game and maximizing the player’s game experience. So without further ado, here are the list ofLearn More

Maplestory Guide: The Afterland Quests And Rewards

Done The Quests: The quest from Lonnie and Silent Boy in the Land of Innocence The quest from the Bench in the Land of Contemplation The quest from the treasure sack in the upper right of the castle in Land of Riches Both of the Tombstone Maker’s quests? Some of those quests are not marked with lightbulbs. Basically, if you do every quest at least once, you should find 90% of them in the courseLearn More

Albion Online: Final Beta Officially Launched

Due to previous beta tests coming to an end, according to German developer Sanbox Interactive, they has announced the final beta for their Sandbox MMORPG, are you ready to buy albion gold to join the battle? In their quest to improve the players’ adventuring experience in Albion, Sandbox Interactive has for example restructured the game’ s Destiny Board and revamped the Guild vs Guild battle system, also adding new features to the overall guild gameplay.Learn More

Next Albion Online Update: New Death Mechanics Will Be Introduced

Speaking of Albion Online eternal beta, it will run cross-platform MMORPG, and it’s gearing up for its next major update and expected to arriving this month. For the update, new mechanics and features will be introduced, some of which is about to make player’s lives a hell of a lot better. By the way, be remind that cheapest albion gold for sale. I’m talking mainly about the ability to repair gear while on the go.Learn More

Albion Online Final Beta: It Was Prolonged Until 2017

For someone who are waiting for an official release within a short time, they might be annoyed about its released date. Regarding Sandbox interactive has announced that the latest beta scheduled, what’s more, Albion Online will be extended until next year. if players want to acquire cheap albion online silver, you can access related games sites. Obviously there have been complaints in the official forum of the interesting sandbox massive, multi-platform, especially in view ofLearn More

Albion Online Update: Details about the planned improvements And Next Character

At present, Albion Online is in the final “betaphase” as well as will remain for some time longer than planned in this phase. According to the developers, they write on the official website, regarding the “Final Beta” will be continued until next year. In February or March 2017, all the “necessary improvements” have been implemented, and there will most likely be a new character Wipe out.Now that albion online gold for sale, you can actionLearn More

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