Month: November 2013

Guild Wars 2 How PvP

Difference between sPvP and WvW In both types of PvP, all players are automatically set to L80. Structured PvP or sPvP for short is your traditional PvP maps that you might be familiar with in other MMOs. You are given all the skills and all the PvP gear you possibly need so that everyone starts out in even grounds. It is a pure skill based PvP without any gear gap or grind. You can access sPvP byLearn More


There are quests in GW2 but they may not be the traditional quests that you are used to. Quests in GW2 are called Hearts or Tasks. They are heart shaped symbols on the map that fill to full once you complete them. Each heart has a specific level associated with it and once you are near the area of a heart, you will see something pop up on the right side of the window that tells you whatLearn More

Guild Wars 2 Generic Skills Guide

Altogether each character has 10 skill slots that are bound to the number keys 1 through 0. The first skill is bound to the 1 key, the second skill to the 2 key, etc. Your character’s five weapon skills are determined by the weapon equipped and the profession you chose. Initially, only the basic auto attack is unlocked and but players will unlock more by using the weapon itself. When dual-wielding, your main-hand weapon dictatesLearn More

Guild Wars 2 Rock the Nightmare Music Video Contest

Prepare to Rock the Nightmare! In the November 12 Guild Wars 2 release The Nightmares Within, you’ll storm the sinister fortress of the Toxic Alliance and face your fears! Few things are as “metal” as a sorcerous tower full of evil, so to commemorate The Nightmares Within release, we’re hosting a heavy metal music video contest from November 5 through November 26. The Rock the Nightmare Music Video Contest runs from November 5 through NovemberLearn More

Guild Wars 2 Toxic New Items in the Gem Store

Most recent product updates, Come take a look: Neither snow nor rain nor invasions from the Mad Realm nor the uprising of the new and deadly Toxic Alliance will keep the Black Lion Trading Company from providing you with new and useful items! We’ve got new Toxic armor pieces for those of you who’ve been enamored of the Alliance’s dark beauty, as well as vivid new dyes! NEW—TOXIC GLOVES AND PAULDRONS We’ve developed a setLearn More

Guild Wars 2, 5v5 Weekly Cup #4

Some days ago we announced our weekly cup series. Today we want to announce our 4th cup. As last week the cup will start at 20:00 CET. Also don´t forget that we will provide prizes worth $ 175 for the first 2 teams! So better spread the word and sign up! The matches will be casted by  Sireph. So better tune in if you don´t have the chance to play! You can find his channel on TwitchTV!Learn More

Guild Wars 2 Tower of Nightmares DLC Live, New Appearance

The steady flow of content updates for Guild Wars 2 hasn’t slowed since this past summer. The latest update marks the third just in October, and is called Tower of Nightmares, which is a fitting name for a Halloween week DLC release. Players will have to deal with the ever changing world of Tyria, which is always full of new dangers and dark forces looking to ruin the day of the world’s inhabitants. They will have to bandLearn More

Guild Wars 2 Backpack Cover,Your Choice

Equipment is definitely the everlasting pursuit to players in each video game, some of the players even spend money to buy gold or gems in order to get a suit of powerful equipment. Equipment in gw2 features the appearance rather than the attribute, so it is not difficult to get top equipment in this game. We are going to show you the most comprehensive selection of backpack cover for you in this article. To start theLearn More

Guild wars 2 New WvW Card

For ArenaNet’s online RPG Guild Wars 2 WvW a new card has been announced called “edge of the fog.” The special feature of this new WvW card is that it requires no queues. The proposed new map “edge of the fog” to make the WvW game in ArenaNet’s Guild Wars 2 MMORPG accessible. In contrast to the known WvW cards you can watch the edge of the fog fall any time in WvW battles withoutLearn More


Arenanet have released a list of the upcoming GW2 class changes for the upcoming Dec 10 patch on the official forums. Details are posted below. General These are the proposed balance changes for the Dec. 10th build. These changes are not final and are subject to change. We are posting them early so the community can discuss them with us. We wanted to be more transparent with the community about these changes to help exposeLearn More

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