Guild wars 2 New WvW Card
For ArenaNet’s online RPG Guild Wars 2 WvW a new card has been announced called “edge of the fog.” The special feature of this new WvW card is that it requires no queues.
The proposed new map “edge of the fog” to make the WvW game in ArenaNet’s Guild Wars 2 MMORPG accessible. In contrast to the known WvW cards you can watch the edge of the fog fall any time in WvW battles without previously persevere in a queue. If the new area is full, it will give the new card WvW an overflow server. So you can watch any time bashing in the new card in WvW until a place in the regular ticket is free.
Your services in the edge of the fog will not count towards the points WvW your world in Guild Wars 2nd According to the developers from ArenaNet well populated server otherwise would have an unfair advantage over less densely populated worlds. But it should give special rewards that you can achieve your only in the edge of the fog. Which they should be specific, the developers of ArenaNet have not been betrayed. It should be including, among other bonuses that give you an advantage in the regular WvW.
The edge of the nebula is, by design, include many different aspects of Guild Wars 2nd The entire region consists of flying islands that float above the eternal battle fields. Each island will have a unique flair. There will be, for example, a city of ruins in the jungle or a temple between snow-capped mountains. Also, the game mechanics to conquer strategically valuable areas should be partially differ significantly from WvW standard.
The new WvW Card “edge of the fog” in Guild Wars 2 will be released until the spring of 2014. Who wants to see the new area previously, has the opportunity to log in with his guild to beta test. To enter your selection, you need only the application form fill, which will link your specified under the. The only requirement is that a player can give useful feedback to the developers in your guild in English. The original announcement for the new Guild Wars 2 card “edge of the fog” can be found on the official website of ArenaNet.
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