Guild Wars 2, 5v5 Weekly Cup #4

Some days ago we announced our weekly cup series. Today we want to announce our 4th cup. As last week the cup will start at 20:00 CET.
Also don´t forget that we will provide prizes worth $ 175 for the first 2 teams! So better spread the word and sign up!
The matches will be casted by  Sireph. So better tune in if you don´t have the chance to play! You can find his channel on TwitchTV! The stream will be casted by Sputti and ChroNickGamer. You can find the channel here! The chinese stream can be found on  Crispeke´s channel!In case you missed the matches of last weeks cup feel free to check the VoD´s of Jebro´s show on Youtube.Also feel free to leave feedback via support ticket, within the forum or as news comment!

 5v5 Weekly Cup #4 – 07/11/13

   5v5 Weekly Cup #4 – 07/11/13

 Date: 07. November 2013 20:00 CET
 Mode: 5on5 Single Elimination // 45 minutes per round
Global Rules
Support ticket

 Guild Wars 2 Gameaccount



Thanks to ArenaNet we are able to provide pizes worth $ 175 for this cup.

 1st place: 5x $ 25 gem codes
 2nd place: 5x $ 10 gem codes

 Check In

Step 1 – Reservation (green)
Here you can reserve a place in the cup, but you have to confirm your participation later.

Step 2 – Confirmation (yellow)
30 minutes before the cup starts, you have to confirm your participation, if you have done that, you’re in the Cup.

Step 3 – Entry (red)
You didn’t get a free place in this cup? If there are not enough participants, you can still entering the cup 20 minutes before starting!

 Upcoming Cups


Weekly Cup schedule
 Cup  Date  Sign Up  Rules
Weekly Cup #5 14/11/2013
Weekly Cup #6 21/11/2013
Weekly Cup #7 28/11/2013


 Winner Weekly Cup #3

After an intense rematch of past weeks finalists  Cheese Mode successfully earned the tournament win over  Who Gets Carried Hard.


Good luck & have fun!

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