PoE – GGG Floats Notion of ExileCon In November 2019
Do You Want A Trip to New Zealand late next year? If so, you might want to hold up your planning until Grinding Gear Games irons out all the details regarding ExileCon, its first Path of Exile convention, tentatively scheduled for November 2019.
For the moment, GGG is asking fans for input regarding the convention, including whether they’d come at all. The event would be held in GGG’s home of Auckland, New Zealand, which would make for expensive travel for most. If you do arrive, you’d be treated to expansion announcements, demo sessions, developer talks, tournaments, parties — all the usual frills that come with these kinds of things.
Here’s some of the stuff we would love to have at ExileCon:
- Announcement of whatever the next large expansion is
- Announcement of the 4.0.0 mega-expansion
- A play area with computers set up for demos of all products announced
- Talks from Grinding Gear Games developers about their areas of expertise
- Finals of various tournaments
- A Merchandise shop
- Developer signing sessions
- Some type of party
- Swag bag potentially containing exclusive microtransactions and some physical items.
- Feel free to suggest more ideas!
If you’d like to make your thoughts on ExileCon known, head over to the PoE forums to give your opinions on the show. For what it’s worth, a quick search for plane fares from my current location in the U.S. to Auckland the first weekend of this November yields prices in the $1,500 to $2,000 range. That would buy a whole lot of Supporter Packs. For more poe tips and tricks, stay tuned to U4GM. You can choose www.u4gm.com where you can poe currency purchase cheap.
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