What Can You Do To Comfortably Enjoy PoE
When I first play in Path of Exile, I had to admit that at that time I was really a noob. At that time I always buy poe items, I think it will give me a sense of security. If you are a noob in PoE, what can you do to get to a level where you can comfortably enjoy the game, rather than struggling until you give up?
Choose on a build you want to play, and research it, that way you will understand the mechanics and see how they work while you play, Probably Sunder is the most simple skill to learn, an AoE melee attack, do some research on that and on other stuff regarding the game such as (Damage types, Resists, gear, and etc.) if you have a specific question you are always welcome to ask.
It basically comes down to what your sources of damage increase you can have on your gear and jewels, with your gems, and on the tree. Any time you convert damage, increases to it are applied both by the pre-conversion type and after conversion damage type. So if you converted 100% of your physical to cold damage, any “increased physical damage” would give you increases to the cold damage that is a result of the conversion, in addition to “increased cold/elemental damage”.
There are a lot of increased physical damage nodes on the tree (with weapons), and a few elemental damage with attack skills nodes on the tree as well. Rings/belts/quivers/shields/off-hand-stat-sticks can also have a bunch of “elemental damage with attack skills” mods for a lot of damage increase. You can get upwards of 100% more damage (or more) from these mods on gear/tree. If you have “x% of physical damage added as Y elemental damage” on shaped bases. For rings/belt/offhands there is no “increased physical damage” mod, so you either convert or don’t get this bonus dmg.
In fact, this isn’t just for PoE, but quite literally everything in life. Stop putting everything on a pedestal. The biggest thing going against you getting better is you. That aside, Decide on a build and stick to it. If you can’t do that, god knows I can’t, then try to meander around builds with similar gear. Set goals, meet goals. Once you hit that – set your next goal. Hitting your goals is exciting. Bear in mind that path of exile orbs are important for you at any time.
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