Choosing Your PoE Stash Tabs With Correct Way

If you are new to Path of Exile, you may don’t know which stash tabs are most worth it. If you would rather not miss out if stash tabs don’t go on sale very often, the following guide you can view seriously. Meanwhile, do not forget that having enough path of exile orbs is also important to you.

A currency tab, and one premium tab. More than that is gravy, and you can get by without the map tab for the most part although it does save a ton on space. It is easier to sell different map tiers with compared to even having three premium tabs, and also keeps your maps much better organized due to the organization being automatic. If you only have up to a few yellow maps, you don’t really need a Map Tab. Even with red maps it isn’t a huge deal, but it saves you some headaches.

Path of Exile

You can even change one of your normal tabs into a premium one instead of adding a premium one. Don’t pile up every rares and unique you find, keep the good stuff and sell them with your premium tab. If you ever need something, you can buy it on official website.

Then, if you start playing a lot and pile things up, I’d recommend buying a divination tab, map tab, and a bunch of other premiums tab. The essence and map fragments tabs are pure boni. As someone who’s got ~20 tabs, I have all special tabs (Currency, Cards, Essences, Maps, Map fragments) and I usually use my premium tabs as:

  • Quality recipe tab.
  • Jewels tab.
  • Gems (leveled/high quality/vaal gems).
  • “My” tab, poe items that my current character uses (I don’t play multiple characters at the same time).
  • A few tabs for uniques, to sell or to keep as leveling tools, or just because I got enough space to.
  • A few tabs for selling stuff.
  • A tab for sorting later (like when my inventory gets full in the Lab and i don’t want to look for unsorted stuff later).

Currency for sure and then a few prem or quad tabs. Whichever you want more since some people don’t like quads, and rest tabs are just bonus for later if you want. And the stash tab sales happen every 3 weeks on weekends from fri to sun/mon. So if you miss out on something you want, you can get it again in 3 weeks time at discount sale.

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