EA And Other Developers Choose To Annually Update Sports Games: Madden 18
Madden NFL Mobile released three years ago, but it doesn’t release new versions. For the current version, it was also overhauled. According to perception, there may ne a time when video game publishers don’t release annual versions of such games as FIFA 18 and Madden NFL 18, but instead rely on online updates or some sort of subscription service.
Speaking of Madden 18, this is something that many fans have suggested the studio do for some time, and something that they’ve been doing in the mobile world. According to Wilson, the user base for the game has grown, but there are challenges to shifting to an “online only” game. Followed by, Wilson, as a EA CEO Andrew, he responded to related questions for this game.
Wilson explained:” there’s a few things that have got to happen first.” He added:” we do a lot in a FIFA game every year and a lot in a Madden game, and there’s a lot of code that we make available as part of the new iterations.” At present, we get a new FIFA, Madden and NHL every year. On this year’s August, Madden 18 was launched, along with new story mode Longshot, regarding this new mode, click for source.
EA and other developers also choose to annually update sports games in the mobile space rather than release a new game every year. The developers said: we will keep working diligently to get the lag issue addressed in an upcoming title update. Issues like this have been, and will remain, our top priority.” U4GM will take the responsibility to ours each clients, we insist on selling safe & cheap madden 18 coins.
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