The NHL 18 Wishlist Have Been Came Up With And Waiting For Be Implemented

Players have certain expectations with regards to the changes that they hope to see in NHL 18. Even of NHL 18 enjoys a high level of popularity among the players and is worthy of being praised, but, there is still some room for improvement. Now, based on the wishlist put together by fans, various changes have been suggested by the fans. If implemented, these changes can certainly increase the popularity of the game by many folds. The game soon to be come in September 15, let’s buy NHL 18 Coins in advance.

NHL 18

A Chance In Attire
Making an option of selecting the third jersey is appealing. Currently, two options are present for the jerseys. It would be a nice change to introduce something different.

A real-life touch can be given to the negotiations that happen after signing a contract between the players and the managers. It will also be a good idea if the option of extending the current contract is made available. This would make the game appear more real.

Setting Up Additional Coaches
If the game is to be taken to the next level, it would be interesting to have additional coaches. The option of having a head coach along with assistants would be interesting and would make the game a whole lot more realistic.

Setting Up Rewards For Strikes
Rewards always serve as a great incentive for performing well. If a player is playing in an impressive manner and his strike rate is worth acknowledging, it would be a great idea to give him some sort of reward for it.

For changes in NHL 18, and among of some changes would indeed remains to be seen. The developers are making an effort to provide the fans with what they are looking for. For players’ wishlist, here are not list all, in the near future, they are likely to put forth more new wishlist, hence, the developers need to make an effort to meet their expectations, read more at here.

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