Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood Will Be Out On June 20
Final Fantasy XIV forthcoming expansion Stormblood official trailer was launched, Stormblood prepares the community for the imminent release of the game’s expansion. For the official trailer more news and guides, you can also check out more here. FFXIV4GIL will update the hottest news timely, you can keep an eye on FFXIV4GIL.
For the next expansion Stormblood, it’s said to that it will be released on 20 June, what’s more, more new features were also added including new jobs. Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is the latest expansion to Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, and will require the base game to play. Included in this expansion is also the Heavensward expansion, so if you only have AAR you won’t need to buy the previous one.
Yoshida pointed out though that since “Final Fantasy XIV” will be getting updates from time to time, this could serve as one of the hindrances as it should be in sync on all platforms. Yoshida also went on saying that they need to be certain that both of the aforementioned companies are very much acquainted with what they are doing including the regulations with their games.
It’s a known fact that gamers are eagerly waiting the launch of the next expansion. Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood will be out on June 20 and will be available on both PS4 and PC platforms. Hence, you need to now make some preparation such as buy Final Fantasy XIV Gil. FFXIV4GIL is the best as well as the wisest choice for you.
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