Month: February 2016

We can Find A Good reason to Play Blade & Soul

Blade & Soul is a great game. When players control some roles in the Blade & Soul, they will find the conbat is so amazing. Persons,background, kung fu, weapon, abilities and more are so magic. And if you play the game enough time, you could find the combat system is so strong. Each character has a difficulty rating corresponding to how active and responsive you have to be in combat, chaining combos and linking moves,Learn More

Blade & Soul: How to Play The Warlock

If the Warlock want to kill many enemies as soon as possible and hope to defeat lots of opponents as soon as possible. So they need to set up on either reducing or resetting the cooldowns of their primary damage-dealing abilities—Dragoncall and Wingstorm—or triggering instant-cast scenarios. In keeping with the shamanistic theme, Warlocks can apply certain afflictions on their enemies. A Brand on an enemy will increase the damage dealt by some spells, whereas aLearn More

The detail of Warlock

To some extent, the Warlock play a important role in Blade & Soul. Actually,he has second dedicated ranged class with great power but considerable fragility. For example , their powerful abilities have obvious casting times and long cooldowns, taking one of two strategies to be used: keeping enemies at bay or incapacitated long enough to be able to cast the high damage abilities again, or reduce cooldown times through expert timing of other abilities. TheLearn More

A Beautiful experience about Blade & Soul

My experience about the Assassin class in Blade & Soul. Due to the game start in the western version, so at recently, I decided to reaches a second level. This is way how to get to there. To me, it seems that whatever class you choose, early leveling will be really easy to get through, but there are some exceptional classes that take far less time in bashing through the quest mobs and solo instances.Learn More

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