Earn more Archeage Gold in Archeage
Archeage Gold plays an important role in Archeage, if you can’t earn enough ArcheAge Gold, you need to buy Archeage Gold from glod sellers. So making gold in archeage is one of the most important tasks that you will need to accomplish.
The game includes quite a few gold sinks such as the crafting system which not only will hit your wallet for archeum dust and crystals but also costs you just gold for the regrade system. So today I’m gonna go over some of the methods to make money which are used by a lot of people and then I’ll go over some of the unknown methods as well.
One of the biggest methods in game for making money is the pack running while this method costs quite a bit of labor in terms of gathering materials required and then crafting the pack it’s also still quite rewarding to run packs. The higher commerce you have leveled the less labor at the cost per crafted pack. As well a chance for successful deals being made which will add on more money. One of the most ideal runs at least for beginners is the rookborne pack. It baffles me why many people choose to not run this pack in servers. The materials cost to run the pack consists of either the following:
Both of these packs are very easy to make considering chopped produce is usually very cheap on the auction house you can buy it off other players or craft it from cucumbers fast if you dont mind the labor costs associated. And figs are easy to come by since they produce more fruit every 2 hours. Even a small amount of figs are more of a curse then a blessing cause you will need to keep picking all the time. The milk can be accomplished by cows or a cow pen which also gives fertalizer used for making eco friendly fuel. You have an option with that to either sell the fuel which sells for some decent gold or use it to make your tractor runs faster.
Rookborne packs are 9g 77 silver on average when at 130% and because you only need to use the mountain pass to get up and get into falcorth plains it’s a run that usually takes about 2-5 minutes by donkey and about 10-15 with a tractor. You will need to at least have backdrop from shadowplay, teleport from auramancy in order to get up the mountain pass.
Another money maker is south of fredrich there are old vases and chests. The chests require killing 2 star elites for keys while the old vases don’t really require anything aside from labor and a short cooldown. While the old vases have been nerfed because there is a cooldown which has been added do to all the botters using these to farm money they still give 1 to 2g on average of vendor items. The chests can contain a relic trade pack which can sell for 5g to 100g but costs the same labor of a trade pack so its more of a gamble labor wise whether you will make a good amount or not.
For the most part making money in archeage is pretty straight forward you can even play the gambling game with the RNG boxes from the shop and make some decent money. Atleast much more then most games ive played since lucky sunpoints bring in 3k gold on average in most servers and lucky red regrade charms bring in about 700g on average. While it is a gamble and you never know what will be pulled out. I will say I have had some decent luck with them. So I won’t go and tell you that they are useless cause that isn’t true.
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