Month: March 2015
FIFA 15 is fifth best selling video game in UK
We can easily find that EA’s two games are both in the chart, Battlefield Hardline tops the list, my favorite football video game FIFA 15 is the fifth, which costs most of my pocket money on FIFA 15 Coins. The game published by EA has managed to keep the first place despite a 43% fall in sales. More FIFA 15 News and Guides on On second place this week is a new entry, theLearn More
Football must move away from Europe, says Blatter
Runeme – Sepp Blatter said Friday that more moves are needed to export football away from Europe, as he gears up for a battle over Europe’s World Cup places and his own reelection, more football news on “The world is no longer Eurocentric. In my 40 years at FIFA I have regarded it as my most important task to lead football out of Europe into the whole world,” Blatter said. “We have succeeded butLearn More
Will FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Coins Never Be Sold to the Public
This week is not usual to both EA Sports and FIFA fans, it’s FIFA 15 Ultimate Team’s six years old birthday, which is the most popular game mode in FIFA 15 and cost gamers a lot of money to buy FIFA 15 Coins. EA Sports hopes that Ultimate Team will bring more happiness to all FIFA fans. The company has already explained that it has chosen to introduce Price Range as a mechanic and toLearn More
EA are set to give out the free cards and host a special from FIFA 15
EA are celebrating FIFA Ultimate Team’s sixth birthday by giving away free packs to fans. The games giant is giving away free packs to all FUT 15 players between March 23 (Monday) and March 29 (Sunday). Fans will receive untradeable Gold Rare packs in their account, one for each day. To get the new rare gold packs fans just need to open their FUT store on their PC or console. The new packs will beLearn More
FIFA 15 Share This Week’s Most Amazing 14 Goals
Like us, you probably think you’re half decent at FIFA 15. If so, you need to watch this video and immediately bring yourself down a peg or two. We had already been forced to reassess our abilities on everyone’s favourite game, after we went to the UK FIFA 15 Championships and were left very pretty silly and insignificant by the eight best FIFA players in Britain. Now, we have got hold of this EA SportsLearn More
New feature to the Ultimate Team Transfer Market called Price Ranges
Once this feature has been activated, all FUT items (players, in-forms, consumables, and club items) in FIFA Ultimate Team will have a Price Range that sets the highest and lowest Fifa Coins prices that each item can be sold on the Transfer Market. These new features are designed to: Help FUT gamers understand the value of the players in their Club. Make high-rated players more attainable for all FUT gamers and ensure a level playingLearn More