FIFA 15 Share This Week’s Most Amazing 14 Goals
Like us, you probably think you’re half decent at FIFA 15. If so, you need to watch this video and immediately bring yourself down a peg or two.
We had already been forced to reassess our abilities on everyone’s favourite game, after we went to the UK FIFA 15 Championships and were left very pretty silly and insignificant by the eight best FIFA players in Britain.
Now, we have got hold of this EA Sports video, which showcases the best goals scored on FIFA 15 in the last week.Suffice to say, we now understand what is actually possible in the game – and realise that we are yet to get anywhere near it.
If anyone reading this has ever scored a goal as good as the nine in this amazing video, we have two things to say to you:
1. Well done, congratulations and welcome to the official list of Row Zed heroes.
2. For the love of God, send it in to us (via the form below) so we can share it with the world…
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