FIFA 15 Winter Transfer Surprises

We are looking forward to FIFA‘s first transfer deal when it happens, just like last year, we look forward to it.
However, EA has surprised everyone will shift to 15 FIFA ultimate team as soon as possible so far, finish. It means a Wilfried bony, Fernando Torresand Shaqiri now live in the city, Madrid and Inter Milan respectively.
EA has confirmed this on their website, through the release of Google documents handy, until now displays all activated in the game shifts.
Transfer window along with a very active, although EA more batches of 3 or  batches released over the next few weeks so stay tuned.
Surprise us EA so early, they usually wait until the end of the month to push shift during the game. Maybe they were expecting tons so we don’t want to waste any time glad to see changes.
From what we can see is missing a player Valdes on Manchester United we’re guessing this EA‘s to-do list, but strangely they had missed on thenext step for him.
Let us know your thoughts about this surprise update from EA–anyone singling out any of their favorite players at their club, gold also bags?


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