To acquire these recipes, you must have completed the Toxic Spore Sampler achievement by giving Marjory 50 Pristine Toxic Spore samples. This will open up Marjory as a merchant in Kessex Hills.


Super Sigil of Torment

gw2-superior-sigil-of-torment 30% chance on crit to cause 8s of AoE torment (7s cooldown)
  • Each recipe costs 250 Pristine Toxic Spore Samples + 1 gold and require either 400 Weaponsmith, Artificer, or Huntsman
  • Ingredients: Huntsman/Weaponsmith/Artificer (ingredients are all identical)
    • 1 Orichalcum Ingot
    • 100 Pristine Toxic Spore Samples
    • 2 Globes of Ectoplasm
    • 60 Lumps of Primordium

Superior Rune of Antitoxin 

gw2-superior-rune-of-antitoxin (1): +28 Condition Damage 

(2): -4% condition duration applied to you.

(3): +55 Condition Damage

(4): -8% condition duration applied to you.

(5): +100 Condition Damage

(6): -12% condition duration applied to you. Gain 5 stacks of might for 10 seconds on incoming poison or torment (20s cooldown).

  • Each recipe costs 250 Pristine Toxic Spore Samples + 1 gold and require either 400 Tailor, Leatherwork, or Armorsmith
  • Ingredients
Armorsmith Leatherwork Tailor
  • 1 Orichalcum Ingot
  • 1 Glob of Ectoplasm
  • 40 Lump of Primordium
  • 50 Pristine Toxic Spore Sample
  • 1 Cured Hardened Leather Square
  • 1 Glob of Ectoplasm
  • 40 Lump of Primordium
  • 50 Pristine Toxic Spore Sample
  • 1 Bolt of Gossamer
  • 1 Glob of Ectoplasm
  • 40 Lump of Primordium
  • 50 Pristine Toxic Spore Sample

Toxic Sharpening Stone


    • Recipe costs 250 Pristine Toxic Spore Samples + 1 gold and requires 450 Weaponsmith
    • Ingredients (makes 5)
      • 3 Piles of Crystalline Dust
      • 10 Pristine Toxic Spore Samples
      • 100 Piles of Bloodstone Dust


Toxic Maintenance Oil


  • Recipe costs 250 Pristine Toxic Spore Samples + 1 gold and requires 450 Huntsman
  • Ingredients (makes 5)
    • 3 Piles of Crystalline Dust
    • 10 Pristine Toxic Spore Samples
    • 100 Piles of Bloodstone Dust

Toxic Focusing Crystal


  • Recipe costs 250 Pristine Toxic Spore Samples + 1 gold and requires 450 Artifice
  • Ingredients (makes 5)
    • 3 Piles of Crystalline Dust
    • 10 Pristine Toxic Spore Samples
    • 100 Piles of Bloodstone Dust

Marjory’s Experimental Chili


Healing Tome: Antitoxin Spray

  • Marjory sells this for 250 Pristine Toxic Spore Samples  and 5 gold but it is more expensive to buy it from her. You can also get this skill by spending 25 skill points in your hero window where you acquire the other healing skills.


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