Month: October 2013

Guild Wars 2 Team Structure

What Are Squads? Squads are our solution to some of the communication difficulty we experienced early on in WvW. Good communication is an inextricable part of excelling on the battlefield, and our existing channels weren’t quite meeting our needs. Team chat was too large because everyone in the entire map could talk in it, resulting in too much noise. On the other hand, parties—which are capped at five members—were too small. In order to bridgeLearn More

GW2 Some pictures of the Tower of Nightmares

More screenshots? Yes please! With the Guild Wars 2 Halloween festivities reaching it’s high with Mad King Says approaching; we’ve got the Tower of Nightmares patch rolling in as well! TheTower of Nightmares you ask? Well if you’re out of the loop you might want to pay a visit to Kessex Hills in the near future. In the meantime, you can check out these screenshots! As you can see in the picture above, a mysterious veil has been constructed inLearn More

Guild Wars 2 From The New Update On The 29th

LIVING WORLD Tower of Nightmares What happens when the evil agendas of the krait and the Nightmare Court align? The answer can be found around Viathan Lake in Kessex Hills, where a dreadful tower has risen to spew poison into the sky. It’s causing hallucinations and illness in all who breathe in the spores. The malevolent forces behind it have Tyria’s subjugation in mind. Story Track down Marjory Delaqua and Lady Kasmeer Meade in KessexLearn More

Guild Wars 2,The Sylvari

Growth Path Of New Players to Guild Wars 2 Sylvari are not born. They awaken beneath the Pale Tree with knowledge gleaned in their pre-life Dream. These noble beings travel, seeking adventure and pursuing quests. They struggle to balance curiosity with duty, eagerness with chivalry, and warfare with honor. Magic and mystery entwine to shape the future of this race that has so recently appeared. The sylvari are omnivorous humanoid plants. Some sylvari closely resemble humans butLearn More

Growth Path Of New Players To Guild Wars 2

Welcome to Guild Wars 2! Whether you’re new to the MMO genre or a veteran of other games, GW2 isn’t quite the same as anything you’ve tried before. To that end, there are plenty of things all new players need to know to start off right. While the in-game tutorial will teach you the most basic mechanics of the game, there is still much that need more explanation. What we will cover is the basicsLearn More

GW2:In Order to Honor,Guild versus Guild!

Hello All!Guild Wars 2 has been throwing out content quicker than most casual players can complete it. For all the goodness that this brings (much of the content is unquestionably good) I do feel ArenaNet’s priorities are a little strange with much of this content forgettable, temporary and inconsequential distractions from ‘meaty’ content players are seeking. I would go out on a limb and state that a large proportion of the player-base would happily seeLearn More

Guild War 2 :5v5 Weekly Cup #3 – Halloween Edition

We are proud to announce the third edition of Weekly Cup Series. As suggested by some teams we will change the start time to 20:00 CET. And since its Halloween we added a special award as prize for the winning team! Also don´t forget that we will provide prizes worth $ 175 for the first 2 teams! So better spread the word and sign up! The matches will be casted by Sireph. So better tuneLearn More

Tequatl the Sunless Melee Battle Ranger Build Guide

Obviously, we have showed you how to build a ranged-output Ranger build. But there are also many players to want to use melee attack to deal with Tequatl the Sunless.Today, we want to say something about Melee Battle Ranger Build. We hope it will be helpful for you! Mainstream: 20/25/25/0/0 or 20/25/0/25/0 The following picture shows the choice of 20/25/25/0/0 Weapon: Sword + Warhorn / Axe Sigil: Sigil of fie, 5% melee critical rating ofLearn More

Guild War 2 Professions Guide,Elementalist

The elementalist is skilled at mid and long ranged combat, using the elements to their advantage to decimate their foes and help their allies. While having no “true” role, the majority of elementalist skills focus on raw damage (fire), burst/spike (air), control and conditions (earth), defense / support (water), and utility (arcana). Those are generalizations, of course, but ultimately the elementalist can carry on many different roles and switch between them fluidly, thanks to theLearn More

Guild War 2 Professions,Ranger

The ranger in Guild Wars 2 excels at both melee and ranged combat, and is the game’s only true pet class. Rangers also make effective use of a suite of Traps that are capable of crippling foes, or spreading various Conditions to further augment the damage caused by their core weapon attacks. Ranger Quick Facts One of GW2′s three Adventurer professions Able to wear Medium armor Able to charm Animal Companions to fight beside them in combat Offers a highly mobile,Learn More

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