Guild War 2 :5v5 Weekly Cup #3 – Halloween Edition
We are proud to announce the third edition of Weekly Cup Series. As suggested by some teams we will change the start time to 20:00 CET. And since its Halloween we added a special award as prize for the winning team!
Also don´t forget that we will provide prizes worth $ 175 for the first 2 teams! So better spread the word and sign up!
The matches will be casted by Sireph. So better tune in if you don´t have the chance to play! You can find his channel on TwitchTV! The stream will be casted by Sputti and ChroNickGamer.
In case you missed the matches of last weeks cup feel free to check the playlist of Sireph´s show on Youtube!Don´t forget to add your valid Guild Wars 2 Gameaccount to your profile.
Thanks to ArenaNet we are able to provide pizes worth $ 175 for this cup.

The winner of the Halloween Cup 2013 will also receive the exclusiveHalloween Cup Award!
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