What do you think about FIFA 15 Ultimate Team update
FIFA 15 is the one of the most popular video game launched by EA Sports, where you usually buy fifa world coins from. Many people thought that this year’s game was one of the best in recent memory. However, some of the players are still miffed about EA’s somewhat recent Price Range update. The update allowed players to set a range in which they can they can choose to buy and sell players in the FIFA Ultimate Team market.
So far, this update doesn’t sound like too big of a deal. However, the update did make players irritated because it also stopped illegitimate coin sellers on the market. Since the update, EA hasn’t really offered any deals to players. They recently started doing a deal that allowed players to buy up to five 35K mega packs for the day that the deal was active. Many players weren’t happy with the Price Range update, but this is EA’s first promotion since the update.
EA has also recently released an update to player prices, and they have said that they will continue to make pricing adjustments to players, consumables, and club items as time goes on. EA additionally reiterated that their aim with the Price Range Update was to make sure that players understood the value of all their players in their club. They also wanted to make high-rated players more attainable for all FUT (FIFA Ultimate Team) players and try to even the playing field. Finally, they wanted to restrict more of the illegitimate coin transfers going on in the Transfer Market.
All in all, the Price Range update seems like it will be good for the casual players, but an annoyance for the dedicated FIFA 15 Ultimate Team players. There has been some backlash on social media over the move, but for the most part, many people still seem to be playing the game. The other popular soccer game, Pro Evolution Soccer 2015, has a similar mode to Ultimate Team, but the game wasn’t as highly reviewed as FIFA 15 this year.
In terms of sales, FIFA 15 is still topping the charts. In the UK, it fell slightly to second place, with EA’s shooter, Battlefield Hardline, taking the top spot. Still, despite the controversy regarding the Ultimate Team update, gamers still enjoy playing FIFA 15. If you don’t play the Ultimate Team game mode, FIFA 15 is still a great soccer game.
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