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We can confirm that for some reason, the EA servers are down today on January 22. We thought that the issue may be specifically related to FIFA 15, but we have since seen others having problems with the likes of BF4 and Madden NFL 15 servers as well.

If you are just about to play a round of FUT, you’ll have to wait as for the moment you can’t log into FUT. As far as we’re aware, there hasn’t been any prior indication that this was planned EA server maintenance today across all games, so hopefully we’re not talking about an attack of some sort.


The official EA FIFA account on Twitter mentions no planned maintenance, so hopefully EA are aware that the servers have just gone down globally and are working on a fix asap.



Which EA game were you playing just now and have been kicked out of online play? As we try to find some answers to the surprise downtime, let us know if the EA servers are down in your area.

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Also See: FIFA 15 EA servers briefly not available on PS4

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