To show you what we mean here is how most people would search for an Inform player
The whole FIFA community need to know! This is a method of searching for only the Inform version of a player without changing the lowest price so the original cards don’t show in the results. Helpful if you have no idea of their normal price and inform price. To show you what we mean here is how most people would search for an Inform player without knowing the new method so that you can own cheap FIFA 15 coins to play.
1.Think of player wanting to find
2.Add a lowest price to try remove all the none inform cards from search.
Now this kind of works once you have found the minimum price but wouldn’t it be great if you could just search the market for 87 rated In Form Neymar? Even better if when his next in form comes out you could search on that easily and without the 1st In Form showing? Yeah mindblowing you say. Well it is possible!
Concept squad trick FIFA15
What you need to do is go to Squads in the Ultimate Team menu and into Concept Squads. Select Create New Concept Squad and then Start from Scratch. Name it TOTW 1 or 2 or whichever week it is. TOTW stands for Team of The Week sure you know that by now. Anyway once you have set up a concept team called TOTW 1 you need to fill it with guess what. The TOTW 1 players. So press L1 (Search for Player on Transfer Market). It will generally start to look on the transfer market. Press back and it takes you to Player search menu. Select Search Concept Players.
Add the name of the player you want. It will return all of the versions of him on the market. Choose the correct version so in this case the 87 rated Neymar from TOTW 1. Continue to fill your TOTW concept squad with whichever players you might want to try find in future. Probably easiest to fill it with them all. Then you always know those players are TOTW 1. Now for the magic to happen. In your concept TOTW 1 squad select the player you want to search for. In our case 87 rated In Form Neymar.
You will be shown all the 87 rated Neymars on the market. Great for looking at the prices but imagine if you could bid for those players and buy now!! Shame those options are greyed out here isn’t it. Well now you can! Simply go back out of that screen and out of the concepts squads, straight to the Transfer market. Enter the transfer market and you will see the player name of the player you were searching in concept squads. In our case Neymar. Notice how his face is missing. Don’t worry about that as if you hit Search you will notice all the In Forms show of the version you were looking at in Concept Squad. So for us 87 rated Neymar. This really is cool and helpful even if EA didn’t mean it to happen.
You can bid on him buy him and change the search values to find the lowest one which is useful for trading or if really wanting the lowest price.
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