Month: July 2014

How to creat shooting chance in FIFA Ultimate Team

Creating goal-scoring opportunities seems to be the hardest part of gameplay to master for most FIFA players, so we’ve taken up the challenge to bring you the top tips on how to do this with ease. Defenders like to put immense pressure on you especially in Ultimate Team where gamers will run at you as soon as you take a touch of the ball. Now it’s about getting that half-a-yard of space to unleash aLearn More

WildStar Crafting guide for all tradeskills

AS it is known to all that In Wildstar Online are nine TradeSkills at this moment: Tailor,Architect,Mining,Outfitter,Armorer,Weaponsmith,Survivalist,Relic Hunter Also there are 3 hobbies at this moment: Cooking,Farming,Fishing Each hobby will help you with the crafting profession you chose and will supply you with ingredients for your crafting recipes.You will have just 2 active crafting professions at one time.All crafting professions are fully explained in our crafting guide. Anyway you can rotate them anytime for 25Learn More

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